Anxiety Free Dentistry


People of all ages can experience dental anxiety, which is why we strive to make your visits with us as comfortable and worry-free as possible. Please share your feelings and concerns with us so we can help you receive the dental treatment you need at a pace that makes you feel comfortable. Every member of our team has a gentle touch, and our treatment rooms are equipped with TVs and massaging dental chairs to keep you comfortable and entertained throughout your visit. Life can be stressful, but going to the dentist doesn’t have to be!

Nitrous Oxide

nitrousNitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide gases with a pleasant, sweet smell and taste. Inhaling nitrous oxide creates a sense of well-being and relaxation, and it is used effectively to help individuals who experience anxiety or fear about dental treatment feel more at ease. Nitrous oxide increases your pain threshold and, when necessary, makes the administration of anesthetic injections more comfortable. It is also helpful for patients who have a strong gag reflex that interferes with dental treatment.

  • Nitrous oxide is one of the safest anti-anxiety agents used in dentistry and has very few risks and side effects.
  • Nitrous oxide is non-addictive, and you will remain fully conscious during treatment.
  • Administration is comfortable and painless, involving no more than a mask over the nose. This makes it an excellent option for children with dental anxieties or individuals with mental or physical disabilities.
  • Feelings of calm and relaxation are felt almost immediately, and breathing pure oxygen for several minutes after treatment completely reverses the effects.

Oral Sedation

For patients with more severe dental anxiety, we also offer oral sedation. This involves taking a prescription sedative (such as Valium or Ativan) shortly before your visit. By the time you arrive at our office, you will feel significantly relaxed. If necessary, our doctors may also administer nitrous oxide before your treatment begins.

  • With oral conscious sedation, you can stay awake while still experiencing a significant feeling of calm and well-being.
  • The medications are carefully prescribed, and usually the effects are mild. But, it is necessary to have someone escort you to the appointment and back home after the visit.