Entries by admin

What is burning mouth syndrome

Have you ever experienced a burning, tingling, or scalding pain in your mouth for seemingly no reason? Or perhaps your mouth felt numb, tasted strange, or was overly dry? If so, you may have BMS (burning mouth syndrome). Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome: People can have a variety of different symptoms, as BMS affects each […]

How many different types of dentist are there

Think about how many different types of doctor there are. You’ve got your general practitioners, pediatricians, podiatrists, neurologists, and so on. Each different type of doctor focusing on a different aspect of the body. In a similar fashion, there are many different types of dentist! And the different dentists specialize in different things. For example: […]

Healthy tips for soothing a teething baby

Anyone who has ever dealt with a teething baby knows that it is miserable. They’re in so much pain, and you feel helpless while they cry, bless their little hearts. The good news is, there are things you can do to help! Signs of teething: First thing to determine: is your baby just being extra […]

The best vitamins and minerals for your teeth

At this point, we should all know the basics for taking proper care of our teeth from an oral hygiene standpoint. (If you don’t, click here.) Brushing and flossing properly aside, there are dietary factors to taking care of our teeth as well. In addition to avoiding refined carbohydrates, excess sugar, and eating plenty of […]

Past Procedure Care

Having dental work done is an investment! After all, you only get one set of adult teeth, so you want to take care of them. That’s why proper dental hygiene, as well as regular dental checkups, are so important. If you have had dental work done, you need to make sure you follow the instructions […]

Can my body reject my dental implant

When you lose a tooth as an adult, there are several options available to you for tooth replacement; removable dentures, fixed bridges, and dental implants. Dental implants are the best option, as they’re a permanent solution that’s fully functional. They have a very high success rate, as they are made with titanium – the most […]

Why is your bite important

Think about when you were a kid and you lost a tooth. You kept fiddling with the missing spot with your tongue and it drove you nuts! For a few hours anyway. Then you adjusted to it and didn’t even notice the missing spot, right? Our bodies ignore certain things after a certain point – […]

Baby bottles and tooth decay

Babies will start getting teeth around six months of age. Dentists recommend that infants are seen before their first birthday in order to assess dental health. Without proper dental care, baby bottle tooth decay occurs. It’s a common problem, also known as early childhood cavities. The good news is, as with most dental issues, the […]

What is the Difference Between Periodontitis and Gingivitis?

Everyone has heard of gingivitis – it’s mentioned in practically every commercial for dental products! It’s like the boogeyman of the dental realm, but unlike the boogeyman – gingivitis is very real. Less commonly talked about is periodontitis. The two are related, but what’s the difference between periodontitis and gingivitis? What is Gingivitis This is […]

The dangers of sleep apnea

Imagine being sound asleep and suddenly you stop breathing. So you startle awake. You start breathing again, and fall back asleep. And it happens over. And over. And over. Over the course of one night, a person may stop breathing hundreds of times! This is the painful reality for people who suffer from sleep apnea, […]