Entries by admin

Treating Small Enamel Cracks Could Help you Avoid a Tooth Fracture

Although our teeth are the hardest substances in our body, they aren’t invincible to physical trauma. It is possible to crack your teeth. Things like biting too hard on a piece of candy, catching an elbow in the face during a basketball game, or falling down can all result in a cracked tooth. The most […]

Anatomy of your mouth and dental structure

Although the femur is the strongest bone in the body, the teeth are actually the hardest substance! They have to be in order to stand up to the rigors of chewing. The anatomy and dental structure of our mouths have evolved to make human beings the perfect omnivore; our front teeth (incisors) are designed for […]

Tips for coping with dental anxiety

Did you have a painful or frightening experience at the dentist as a child? Or perhaps your parents used the dentist as a deterrent “if you eat all that Halloween candy, you’ll have to visit the dentist!” Things like that are most often to blame for a fear of the dentist as an adult. And […]

How to maintain a white smile

Did you know that teeth are naturally an off-white color, and will yellow with age? However, everybody wants to have a pearly white smile! You can have your teeth whitened at the dentist, but it takes work to keep them white! Here are some tips to maintain that white smile Take proper care of your teeth […]

What is gum grafting?

Our teeth are embedded in bone, which is encased in the gums. Our gums support and protect our teeth. Think of the gums as the skin of your mouth; they’re a barrier that protects your bones against bacteria and wear and tear. As long as you take proper care of your teeth, your gums will […]

Why is my jaw shrinking?

Can a person’s jaw shrink? Short answer, yes. Because the face gains a sunken or collapsed appearance due to bone reduction, it is often referred to as facial collapse. The process can take decades, and may not be immediately noticeable. A dentist is the only one who can accurately diagnose and treat facial collapse. There […]

What are some issues orthodontic treatments can correct?

The perfect smile has never been easier, thanks to how far orthodontics has come. Contrary to popular belief, braces aren’t just for cosmetic correction. There are a myriad of orthodontic issues that braces can treat. Braces can treat: Overbites If someone’s upper jaw or teeth protrude over their lower teeth, this is called an overbite. […]

Why are dental implants better than dentures?

When a person has lost one or several teeth, it’s very important to fill in the gaps. If there’s missing teeth, our other teeth will shift to compensate for the gap, eventually causing problems. There are a couple of options available for missing teeth, dentures and dental implants. Although dentures are the more common option, […]

5 signs that mean you need to see your dentist

We all know that we’re supposed to visit the dentist every six months. Some people may need more frequent visits, but for the most part, twice a year is the general rule. It’s important to see your dentist regularly that way any potentially serious issues are handled before they snowball into something very bad (and […]

3 tips to improve your dental routine

As adults, everyone is pretty set in their ways as far as our dental routines go. Maybe some of us have perfect teeth and an impeccable dental routine, while others simply brush their teeth and leave it at that. However, improving your dental routine can do wonders for you! After all, your dental health affects […]