Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth?

Seeing red in the sink when you brush your teeth? Bleeding gums can be one of the first signs of gingivitis, or early gum disease.

With over 75% of Americans age 35 and older presenting with some sort of gum disease, it’s important to get yourself to the dentist to get evaluated as soon as you experience bleeding during or after brushing your teeth.

Gingivitis can be reversed, but it must be caught early! From our dental team at Tim Chauvin D.D.S. & Associates, here’s what to know about bleeding gums and how to keep your gums healthy.

Gingivitis and gum health

Gum disease usually begins because food is not properly removed from in between teeth, and over time, the food particles start to break down and lead to disease. The first stage, gingivitis, is an inflammation caused by plaque around the gum line. This plaque must be removed by a dentist and is another reason why regular checkups are crucial. In addition to bleeding gums, some other signs to look out for in regards to gum disease are formations of deep pockets between teeth and gums, loose teeth, and a red or swollen gum line. If gingivitis is allowed to advance, it can lead to a myriad of very serious issues, including tooth loss.

Although bleeding gums usually point to gingivitis, your bleeding may also be caused by a systemic illness or other issue. These could include:

  • diabetes,
  • hormonal changes due to pregnancy,
  • chemotherapy treatments,
  • use of tobacco or certain prescription medications, or
  • irritation of canker sores in the mouth.

Your dentist can evaluate you to properly diagnose the cause of your bleeding gums.

What to do to prevent bleeding gums

Regular and consistent oral care and dental visits are always the most effective way to prevent gum disease. Floss and then brush your teeth 2­3 times daily and be sure you are using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Be gentle with the pressure you apply when you are brushing your teeth. Don’t be overly aggressive when you floss. Visit your dentist at least every six months, even if your teeth and mouth feel fine, and come in to see us as soon as you notice you’re having any issues.

Contact Dr. Tim Chauvin’s office today

Our team is adamant about oral health and eager to help anyone struggling with an issue. Call us today to make an appointment so we can tackle any problems you might be having – together!

how can i heal my gums - dr chauvin lafayette la

How Can I Heal My Gums?

Research reveals that periodontal or gum diseases affect 20 to 50% of the global population. Unfortunately, more than 36% of the worldwide population suffers from dental fear or anxiety. 

If you’re one of those 36% people, you’ll be glad to hear you can treat painful or receding gums at home. Let’s discuss simple yet effective ways of healing your gums: 

Top 6 Ways You Can Heal Your Gums at Home 

Here we discuss several ways you can heal your gums quickly and effectively:

  • Trying Warm and Cold Compresses 

An excellent way of reliving painful or swollen gums is by applying hot or cold compresses: 

    • Hot Compress- Start by heating some water and grabbing a clean cloth. Soak the fabric in the warm water and place it on the affected area
    • Cold Compress- Wrap an ice pack in a clean cloth and apply it to the side of gum pain
  • Rinsing with Saltwater

Gargling with salt water is an excellent way of combating potentially harmful bacteria and germs accumulating on your gums. 

Make saltwater rinse to reduce gum swelling or pain:

    • Mix a quarter teaspoon of salt into warm water
    • Take a sip and swish it in your mouth 
    • Gargle before spitting the saltwater out
  • Applying Hydrogen Peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide helps fight germs and other oral problems, like gum inflammation and swelling. Here’s how you can use hydrogen peroxide to combat gum diseases:

    • Mix 1:1 part water and hydrogen peroxide
    • Swish the created solution in your mouth for at least 20 seconds
    • Spit the peroxide-water mixture on the sink
    • Rinse your mouth with warm water

Alternatively, you may make hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste. 

  • Swishing Oil 

Oil pulling is another remarkable way of preventing and reducing gingivitis and plaque. Grab high-quality coconut or sesame oil and then follow these steps:

    • Put a spoonful of oil in your mouth 
    • Swish it for about 20 minutes 
    • Spit the oil out 
    • Rinse your mouth with water
    • Brush your teeth 

Swishing coconut or sesame oil helps pull the plaque sticking to your gums.

    • Using Tea Bags

Most tea variants include a specific plant compound called tannins. Tannins help combat gum pain and swelling by eliminating bacteria and germs. 

Green, black, and hibiscus teas contain a substantial amount of tannins. Other variants of teas include ginger or chamomile, which helps combat inflammation.

Here’s how using tea bags can help reduce gum pain:

    • Add a teabag in boiled water
    • Remove it after several minutes and allow it to cool
    • While the tea bag is warm, apply it to the affected area
    • Leave it on your face for about five minutes
  • Creating an Aloe Vera Mouthwash 

Aloe vera effectively reduces plaque, decreases gingivitis, and alleviates gum pain. A plus of making aloe vera juice is that you don’t have to dilute it. 

But before using an aloe vera mouthwash, ensure it’s 100% pure:

    • Swish aloe vera mouthwash in your mouth for about 30 seconds 
    • Spit out the solution
    • Repeat the process two to three times every day 

Ensure that you purchase aloe vera from a reputable source.

The Bottom Line: When Should You Seek a Dentist?

Gum diseases may indicate oral or even heart diseases. If the solutions discussed above don’t offer relief and bleeding or swollen gums persist, consider visiting your local dentist.

Speak to Dr. Chauvin from Lafayette Dentist Chauvin to ensure healthy gums and sparkling teeth. Dr. Chauvin will examine your teeth and gums, review your oral health history, and discuss your dental hygiene goals to offer the best advice. 

At Tim Chauvin, DDS & Associates, we offer high-quality services to patients across Lafayette and surrounding areas. Give us a call at (337) 234-2186 or book an appointment to start your journey towards healthier and beautiful smiles.



Do your gums bleed frequently? Does it hurt your gums when you brush your teeth? You’re not alone. Millions of people have the same problems. Sore, swollen and bleeding gums are not all that uncommon and could be caused by a number of things. It could be something as small and easy to fix as brushing your teeth and gums too hard, or something more serious, like gingivitis. 

What causes your gums to bleed? 

Causes of gum bleeding and/or pain include: 

  • Gingivitis: A gum disease that causes your gums to swell. It’s a milder form of gum disease that happens when plaque builds up on your gum line. If left untreated, however, it can turn into periodontitis – a much more serious gum disease that will harm your gum tissue and bones that help keep your teeth in your mouth. 
  • Medications: Certain medications will cause your gums to bleed. 
  • Pregnancy: As odd as it sounds, bleeding gums is very common in women who are pregnant. It’s also known as pregnancy gingivitis. 
  • You’re new to flossing and your gums are adjusting. 
  • Your dentures are misfitted. 
  • Diabetes: Bleeding or swollen gums is often a sign of Diabetes, either Type 1 or Type 2. 
  • Not enough Vitamin C: Did you know that Vitamin C helps your tissue repair itself and also makes your bones and teeth stronger? Make sure you’re getting enough!

What can you do to soothe sore and bleeding gums? 

If you have sore, bleeding gums and it’s painful to brush your teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist the first chance you get. Chances are, it’s something minor, but you can never be too careful when it comes to your health! Here are some other ways to reduce swelling and bleeding in your gums

  • Increase your Vitamin C and Vitamin K intakes: Foods that are high in Vitamin C include broccoli, spinach and other leafy greens, as well as oranges, bell peppers and tomatoes. The same leafy greens that are high in Vitamin C are also high in Vitamin K!
  • Try a cold compress: Cold packs are known to reduce swelling, so try putting a cold compress for swelling. 
  • Rinse with warm salt-water. 
  • Call your dentist! We cannot stress enough how important it is to have regularly scheduled cleanings and check-ups. Your dentist and hygienist can remove plaque from areas of your mouth where you cannot, thus reducing your chances of developing gum disease. 

If you have questions about bleeding gums or you need to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Tim Chauvin’s office today. 


Can unhealthy gums lead to skin problems - dr chauvin lafayette la

Can unhealthy gums lead to skin problems?

There are countless reasons why your dentist wants you to have healthy gums: to prevent tooth loss, to prevent painful swelling, the list goes on. But a new study done by doctors at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center suggests that there’s even more to healthy gums: healthy skin. 

The doctors asked psoriasis patients about their oral hygiene habits. They found that those with poor gum health — i.e. gingivitis and gum disease — also had more severe cases of psoriasis, a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. The result is bumpy red patches, speckled with white scales, that most frequently appear on your scalp, knees, elbows and lower back. 

How can you tell if you have unhealthy teeth and gums? 

Here’s what to look for

  • Redness, swelling or tenderness in your gums. 
  • Pain in your mouth. 
  • Bad breath that just won’t go away. 
  • Bleeding gums when you brushing, flossing or eating crunchy or hard foods. 
  • Loose teeth, or teeth that seem to be separating from your gums. 

So, what can you do to keep your teeth and gums healthy and avoid potential psoriasis flare-ups? 

Tips for healthy oral hygiene

  • Floss: We can’t stress enough how important it is to floss your teeth at least once a day. You can do it in the morning before breakfast, or at night after dinner, as long as you do it at some point every day. 
  • Get regular cleanings and checkups at your dentist: Have you had a visit with Dr. Chauvin’s office lately? You should be sitting down in that familiar dental office seat at least twice a year for a professional cleaning and regular exam. 
  • Quit smoking: In addition to the slew of other health problems linked to smoking, it’s a habit that also harms your mouth. Smoking and other forms of tobacco use cause gum disease. 
  • Brush twice a day: You hear it over and over again. Why? Because it’s important! Brush your teeth twice a day. No exceptions!
  • Use mouthwash: A mouthwash approved by the American Dental Association can help to keep your gums healthy. Mouthwash kills bacteria that causes bad breath, and it also breaks up plaque in between your teeth and on the surface. 


As you can see, having a healthy mouth is important not only for your gums and teeth, but for your skin and overall health. Contact Dr. Tim Chauvin’s office for your checkup today. 

Deep gum pockets _ tim chauvin dental lafayette la

Deep gum pockets? Now what?

A gum pocket is the space or gap between our tooth and its surrounding gum. Your hygienist or dentist will use a tiny little ruler we call a probe to measure the space between your gum and tooth, the pocket. Healthy gums will fit snuggly around the tooth and the measurement will be between 1-3mm.

When there is plaque or tartar around or below the gum, it starts to pull away creating a deeper pocket due to inflammation and swelling from the bacteria. This is when the gum starts to have ‘pockets’ deeper than 3mm indicating some form of gum disease.

These deep pockets now allow for bacteria to travel down further below the gum and can start to affect and damage the bone around the teeth. The deeper the pocket is, usually the more severe the inflammation or disease is.


Treating deep gum pockets with a root scaling

Generally, your hygienist or dentist will recommend a standard cleaning every 6 months.

If more severe periodontal disease is present, a procedure called scaling and root planing may be recommended. This thorough cleaning procedure not only removes the plaque and tartar, but also smooths the root surface so the gum tissue can reattach to the tooth, shrinking the pocket. This is prescribed for gum disease that has progressed or for pockets that are greater than 4mm.

During these deep cleanings you may be numbed up with a topical gel or anesthetic if required so that you are comfortable, and the cleaning can be performed adequately.

A scaling and root planing procedure may require 2 to 3 appointments depending on the level of disease, the measurements of the pockets and the amount of bacteria present.

A follow-up visit also may be necessary to confirm that your gums and teeth are getting healthier and there is improvement in the gum condition. It is also important for your dental professional to make sure you are utilizing the appropriate techniques and tools at home on a daily basis to ensure we are giving your gums the best chance of healing.

Gum disease can be treated or controlled, but may require regular ‘maintenance’ visits, usually every 3-4 months in the beginning, to monitor the status of your teeth, gums and bone to make sure your gums have healed, and the bacteria have not returned. Some individuals who may be predisposed to having gum disease may need to return for regular periodontal maintenance cleanings, and others may be able to return to a regular hygiene routine and 6-month dental checkup visits.

Deep cleanings if required are very important because if severe inflammation is left untreated, the infection will continue and progress further under the gum line, which can result in loose teeth and bone loss, and ultimately, the loss of one or more teeth over time.


Contact Chauvin Dental to set up an appointment and let’s make sure your dental health is where it needs to be!