Entries by admin

Oral health concerns for teens

There is a word that begins with a “P” that strikes fear into the heart of every parent… Puberty. A time of rampant mental and physical development, puberty can make a teenager’s life pretty rough! In addition to all of the regular side-effects, there are some oral health concerns that parents of teenagers should be […]

What should you do if your child has a toothache

We all know that toothaches are incredibly unpleasant, ranging from mild discomfort to incredibly painful. Some people will wait until the pain is absolutely unbearable before getting to a dentist, taking over-the-counter medications and trying to ignore it in the meantime. Other people will get to a dentist at the first sign of any dental […]

Three ways to ease dental anxiety

Are you afraid of going to the dentist? Some people simply schedule their appointment and go get it over with without a second thought! However; if you’re someone who will put off an appointment until the absolute last second, and when you finally do schedule one you dread it for weeks? You may have a […]

What exactly is Tinnitus?

Do you suffer from a constant ringing or buzzing in your ears? That is tinnitus. It’s a common misconception that tinnitus is a condition by itself. It’s actually a symptom of something else, like a circulatory problem, or hearing loss due to age. Luckily, it’s just annoying, and often isn’t a sign of a serious […]

Night Guards: Complete cleaning instructions

Protecting your teeth and maintaining proper oral health is paramount to a healthy lifestyle. Dental problems can present themselves as a variety of different issues. Take bruxism, or teeth grinding, for example. If you find yourself waking up with headaches or a sore jaw, you may be grinding your teeth at night and not even […]

Benefits of dental sealants

There is no replacement for taking proper care of your teeth. However, it can be difficult to get children to brush and floss as much as they should, which is why they are more susceptible to cavities. Since our adult teeth can come in as early as six years of age, it’s very important to […]

How Nitrous Oxide works

If you’ve ever had any dental work done, especially as a child, you’re probably familiar with nitrous oxide. On its own, the gas can be fatal. When mixed with oxygen (typically at a ratio of 30% nitrous oxide and 70% oxygen) it becomes N2O-O2, more commonly known as laughing gas. How does nitrous oxide work? […]

Do you know the meaning behind the official symbol of dentistry?

The symbol of dentistry, a staff with a snake coiled around it, flanked by leaves, inside a triangle, surrounded by (and intertwined with) a circle, and on a purple background. Chosen in 1965, the symbol has been around for over 50 years. It looks cool, but what in the world does it stand for? As […]

What you should know about adult orthodontics

These days, braces aren’t just for kids. As people are living longer, and advancements in medical and dental health continue, people are choosing to have their teeth corrected with orthodontics. If a person has good dental health, they can get braces – whether they’re twenty years old, or seventy years old!     There are […]

Getting a root canal over existing dental work

There are a variety of reasons where a person may need to have a crown on their tooth. Maybe some trauma caused a tooth to crack, or they had a root canal. A person may also have a crown if they had a cavity that was in an area that was too difficult to fill […]