Treating Small Enamel Cracks Could Help you Avoid a Tooth Fracture

Although our teeth are the hardest substances in our body, they aren’t invincible to physical trauma. It is possible to crack your teeth. Things like biting too hard on a piece of candy, catching an elbow in the face during a basketball game, or falling down can all result in a cracked tooth. The most important thing you can do is treat enamel cracks immediately in order to avoid a dangerous tooth fracture.

While it may seem that these fractures happen out of nowhere, they’re usually related to cracked tooth syndrome, which has three stages:

  • Stage one – tiny cracks, known as craze lines, develop in the enamel. They are fairly shallow and by themselves, are not dangerous. However; these develop into the second stage eventually.
  • Stage two – the craze lines have deepened into a bigger crack that affects the dentin as well.
  • Stage three – full tooth fracture that can extend to the root. At this stage, the tooth is at risk of loss, especially if the pulp is exposed.

Unfortunately, craze lines are too small to detect with x-rays. They can be found through other methods, such as using an explorer to feel for cracks, or using special lights and dye stains.

Treatment of the crack will depend on what stage it is in. There are several options for a cracked tooth. Bonding involves the use of composite resin to fill in and seal the crack. This is the easiest and cheapest way to repair a cracked tooth, however it is also the weakest method. It’s better suited to teeth that aren’t exposed to as much bite pressure – such as the front teeth.

A crown can also be used to repair a cracked tooth. Using this method will depend on how much of the original tooth remains. After all, there has to be enough tooth left for the crown to bond to. If the crack is deep enough that the pulp is affected, a root canal is in order, because the inflamed pulp needs to be treated before the damage is repaired.

If the tooth is not salvageable at all, or if the crack extends below the gumline, a dental implant will be used to replace the damaged tooth. The original tooth will have to be removed first, and then the implant will be installed.

A cracked tooth can turn nasty very quickly, so it’s important to see a dentist immediately if you suspect that one of your teeth have cracked. Set up an appointment with Dr. Chauvin today!


Anatomy of your mouth and dental structure

Although the femur is the strongest bone in the body, the teeth are actually the hardest substance! They have to be in order to stand up to the rigors of chewing. The anatomy and dental structure of our mouths have evolved to make human beings the perfect omnivore; our front teeth (incisors) are designed for biting through and cutting our food, whilst our back teeth (molars) are designed for chewing. This allows us to eat pretty much anything!

Anatomy of the teeth

Adults have 32 teeth, and children have 20. The teeth are held by the bones of the jaw, and have multiple parts:

  • Enamel – the tooth’s exterior, which is hard, white, and made primarily of calcium phosphate.
  • Dentin – living tissue within the tooth that secrete a hard mineral substance
  • Pulp – softer than dentin, pulp contains nerves and blood vessels, which is why cavities and other tooth injuries hurt!
  • Cementum – connective tissue that keeps the gums, jawbone, and teeth roots bound together.
  • Periodontal ligament – tissue that helps keep the teeth tight inside the jaw.

There are five different main types of tooth within the mouth:

  • Incisors – the front four teeth, top and bottom (8 total) that are used for biting and cutting.
  • Canines – our “vampire teeth” are four pointed teeth, situated at the edges of the incisors. These are for tearing meat.
  • Premolars – we have 8 of these as well, and they are between the canines and proper molars. These help with chewing
  • Molars – the best teeth for chewing, they are flat to help grind up food. We have 8 of them.
  • Wisdom teeth – these are our third set of molars. There are 4 of them, but as we’ve evolved, our jaws have gotten smaller. Nowadays, in most cases wisdom teeth must be surgically removed to prevent other teeth from being displaced.

Anatomy of the mouth

The mouth is made up of the following components, (in addition to the teeth):

Gums – soft tissue that holds the teeth in place and protects them as well as the jawbone.

Tongue – the tongue is a muscle that we use to speak, chew, and swallow.

Hard palate – this is the hard roof of the mouth that extends from the front teeth towards the back of the jaw.

Soft palate – the soft roof of the mouth back towards the throat.

Cheeks – muscle, fat, and mucous membranes that allow us to chew, swallow, smile, speak, and eat food.

dental-anxiety dr chauvin lafayette la dentist

Tips for coping with dental anxiety

Did you have a painful or frightening experience at the dentist as a child? Or perhaps your parents used the dentist as a deterrent “if you eat all that Halloween candy, you’ll have to visit the dentist!” Things like that are most often to blame for a fear of the dentist as an adult. And while many people are afraid of the dentist, dental techniques and technology have improved to such an extent that there’s no reason to fear the dentist anymore! Here are some ways you can cope with dental anxiety or fear.

Consider the new dental tools

Years ago, dentists would use a needle for an injection, then sterilize the needle and reuse it with another patient. This practice was totally safe, however over time the needles would become duller, resulting in more painful injections. Nowadays, dentists use much smaller, thinner, disposable needles. And the method has been improved in order to ease the pain of the injection. There are also many new medications that can relieve pain and anxiety. There are topical gels and patches that are anaesthetic, as well as nitrous oxide, which is used to relax patients. Even conscious sedation – which uses an IV for pain medication but leaves you awake!

Distract yourself

You can also alleviate dental anxiety by distracting yourself. Most dentists will allow you to wear headphones, so you can listen to music, a podcast, a movie, or an audiobook that you enjoy. Some dentists have TVs on the ceiling, so you can watch TV while the dentist works on your teeth. Virtual reality is currently being explored as an option for dental anxiety relief as well. You can also use relaxation breathing techniques to help yourself remain calm. Certain essential oils have calming effects as well.

Remember your dentist is there to help

All dentists have experience with dental anxiety, and many are very understanding and willing to help you with it! Keep in mind, your dentist is there to help you. You may find that establishing a rapport with your dentist, or having him explain the procedure to you can allay your fears a great deal. You can also set up a signal, like raising your hand, that indicates to your dentist that he needs to stop immediately. Even if you don’t use it, it gives you a modicum of control over the situation, which can ease your anxiety.

Dr. Chauvin has lots of experience with anxious patients, and is happy to help you work through your dental anxiety. Want to schedule an appointment? Give us a call!

How to maintain a white smile

Did you know that teeth are naturally an off-white color, and will yellow with age? However, everybody wants to have a pearly white smile! You can have your teeth whitened at the dentist, but it takes work to keep them white!

Here are some tips to maintain that white smile

Take proper care of your teeth

At a minimum, you should be brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and using an antiseptic mouthwash, and not just for whitening purposes! Taking proper care of your teeth will go a very long way towards staving off teeth staining and keeping them white. This will also prevent the buildup of plaque, which also causes discoloration.

Avoid stain-causing foods and drinks

If you are a frequent tea, coffee or wine drinker, you’re going to have a harder time keeping your teeth white, especially if you only brush twice a day. It’s best to avoid stain-causing food and drinks to keep your teeth white.  Although you can brush after consuming any of these to combat the staining effects:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soda
  • Wine
  • Citrus/acidic foods
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Pomegranates

Many of these wear away enamel, which reduces the natural protection of your teeth. Others cause stains just by the color of the food or drink in question.

Use a whitening toothpaste

A whitening toothpaste is a must if you want to keep your smile bright. Many people make a big mistake when brushing their teeth – they rinse after brushing. When you do that, the toothpaste doesn’t have time to work. The compounds in the toothpaste need to be left on your teeth to work properly. Make sure you brush at least twice a day, and after eating or drinking any of the stain-causing foods above.

Stop smoking

Smoking yellows teeth, period. The tar and nicotine buildup on your teeth, and it’s very difficult to remove after a certain point. If you want a whiter smile, it’s best to quit entirely. Quitting smoking is hard, but the health benefits alone are worth it!

Have regular touch-ups

Because teeth yellow naturally with age, additional whitening treatments will be needed as time goes on. Some people need touch-ups every 6 months, while others can go 1 or 2 years without needing one. It all depends on how much care you take with your teeth!

Maintaining a white smile takes a little extra work, but is ultimately worth it. If you’re interested in having your teeth whitened, set up an appointment at Dr. Chauvin’s office!

what is gum grafting

What is gum grafting?

Our teeth are embedded in bone, which is encased in the gums. Our gums support and protect our teeth. Think of the gums as the skin of your mouth; they’re a barrier that protects your bones against bacteria and wear and tear. As long as you take proper care of your teeth, your gums will be fine. However if they recede, you may need a gum graft.

Why are my gums receding?

Gum recession is a fairly common problem, affecting 4-12% of adults. It often goes unnoticed until it’s very severe, which is another reason why you should maintain your regular dental checkups. There are many things that can cause the gum line to recede, such as;

  • Periodontal disease
  • Genetics
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Teeth grinding
  • Hormonal changes
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Diabetes
  • Poor brushing technique
  • Tongue or lip piercings

When the gums recede, they pull away from the tooth, causing the tooth to look much longer. If left unchecked, gum recession could expose the root of the tooth. This opens the door to a host of issues. At first you’ll experience sensitivity to heat and cold, then you’ll start to experience bone damage which eventually results in tooth loss.

What is gum grafting?

There are three different types of gum graft. The most common is a connective-tissue graft. A flap is cut in the roof of the mouth, which exposes the underlying connective tissue. Some of this connective tissue is removed and stitched to the receding gum line, and then the flap is closed.

Another type of gum graft is called a free gingival graft. It’s similar to the connective-tissue graft, but instead of using the underlying connective tissue, the free gingival graft simply takes some tissue directly from the roof of the mouth. This tissue is then attached to the affected gums. This process is used more often when people have thin gums, since the thicker tissue helps to enlarge the gums.

The final gum graft method is called a pedicle graft. This is only possible when the person has a lot of gum tissue near the affected tooth. A flap is cut, stretched over the exposed root, and sewn in place while still attached.

Some dentists may use a tissue bank instead of from the roof of the mouth. And some use tissue-stimulating proteins to encourage the gums to grow. Your dentist will determine the best treatment for you, based on the state of your gums. If you’ve noticed your gums receding, set up an appointment at Dr. Chauvin’s office!


Why is my jaw shrinking?

Can a person’s jaw shrink? Short answer, yes. Because the face gains a sunken or collapsed appearance due to bone reduction, it is often referred to as facial collapse. The process can take decades, and may not be immediately noticeable. A dentist is the only one who can accurately diagnose and treat facial collapse. There are a number of reasons why it could happen, the most common being:

Tooth loss

When we lose several teeth (and don’t replace them with dental implants) our body decides that we no longer need our jaw bone. As a result, it begins to reabsorb the bone and break it down, in order to reuse those vitamins and minerals elsewhere. Over time as the jawbone breaks down, it becomes less stable. This is what causes the characteristic sunken or collapsed look in the facial area. Sometimes the chin shrinks, or the area between the mouth and nose will shrink. The process takes 10-20 years, and it may take just as long to notice it. That’s why it’s important to always replace any missing teeth, and to maintain regular dental checkups.

Other causes

In addition to tooth loss, there are other things that could cause our jaw to shrink, such as:

  • Periodontal disease – if left untreated, periodontitis will cause progressive bone loss.
  • Osteoporosis/osteopenia – can weaken your bones, creating that same instability in the jaw as tooth loss.
  • Dentures – when you wear dentures for a long time, between the missing teeth and the additional pressure they cause, bone loss can occur. Additionally, after a certain point, simply wearing the dentures will be painful.
  • Cysts or bone cancer – both of these result in bones being destroyed internally.
  • Teeth shifting – when teeth are lost, other teeth shift forward to compensate. Eventually, we’re gumming our food, as our chewing teeth have moved forward. Ultimately, this results in pain and additional bone loss.


To avoid severe bone loss, always have any lost teeth replaced with a dental implant. Your body will accept the surgical screw as a “root”, thereby still seeing a need for a jaw (and not reabsorbing it). If you do have missing teeth and suspect jaw shrinkage, visit your dentist. They’ll take a complete set of x-rays and be able to tell if you are losing bone mass in your jaw. Fixing facial collapse usually involves dental implants, and bone grafts. The good news is it can be reversed with proper treatment!


What are some issues orthodontic treatments can correct?

The perfect smile has never been easier, thanks to how far orthodontics has come. Contrary to popular belief, braces aren’t just for cosmetic correction. There are a myriad of orthodontic issues that braces can treat. Braces can treat:


If someone’s upper jaw or teeth protrude over their lower teeth, this is called an overbite. It’s fairly common, and can make chewing difficult. Overbites will eventually wear down the enamel of the affected teeth, increasing the risk for tooth decay. It’s easier to correct overbites in teenagers than adults, so it’s important to maintain regular dental checkups in order to catch problems like this before they get serious.


Underbites are pretty much the opposite of overbites. This is when the top teeth are behind the bottom teeth. Like the overbite, this is easier to treat in the teenage years.


A crossbite occurs when some of the top teeth rest inside or behind the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. These teeth can be anywhere in the mouth, not just the front teeth. Crossbites cause extreme tooth degradation, and other serious problems when left untreated.

Spacing issues

When a person has spacing issues, their teeth often have large spaces in between the teeth. The problem with this is that larger chunks of food are able to get stuck between the teeth, increasing the person’s risk for cavities. And because there is more gum tissue exposed, a person’s risk for gum disease is higher as well.

Misaligned teeth and crowding

As our adult teeth come in, our mouths are still growing, and there’s a lot going on from a dental standpoint. If there isn’t sufficient room for an adult tooth, it can shove the surrounding teeth out of position. This can cause teeth to twist out of their correct positions, crowd them up against other teeth, or make them overlap. This can also be caused by our wisdom teeth. Thankfully, braces can move everything back to its correct position.

Open bites

Open bites are the product of children using a pacifier or sucking on their thumb too long. The front top and bottom teeth don’t meet at all, causing speech and chewing difficulty.

All of these orthodontic issues can be corrected with braces. If you’re affected by any of these conditions, have your dentist refer you to a local orthodontist. They’ll be able to asses the situation and tell you what your treatment will involve, and give you a timeline as to when everything will be fixed.

dental implants dr chauvin lafayette dentist

Why are dental implants better than dentures?

When a person has lost one or several teeth, it’s very important to fill in the gaps. If there’s missing teeth, our other teeth will shift to compensate for the gap, eventually causing problems. There are a couple of options available for missing teeth, dentures and dental implants. Although dentures are the more common option, dental implants are superior. Here’s why.

What are dentures and dental implants?

Dentures are simply a removable mouthpiece that is attached to the gums with denture adhesive. Known as false teeth, they take some getting used to. They can shift while eating or speaking, and can even cause tooth decay in the surrounding, healthy teeth if they are not fitted correctly.

Dental implants are false teeth that are non-removable. They’re installed surgically, and look natural. They don’t damage the surrounding teeth and tissue, and if they’re correctly cared for they’ll last for decades.

Why are dental implants better than dentures?

Dental implants have the edge over dentures for several reasons, the most important being that they don’t cause infection or tooth decay. If a partial denture is too small, it allows bigger food particles to get trapped between the teeth. This of course leads to the development of plaque and cavity-causing bacteria. If the dentures are too big, they can rub against adjacent teeth, eventually wearing down the enamel, and making it easier for cavities to develop .

Food particles and bacteria can also be trapped between the dentures and the gum line, especially if the dentures aren’t cleaned properly. This opens the door to other mouth infections or gum disease. Dentures are the better option only if people have a weak or unhealthy jaw and gums.

Dental implants are the ideal option for people with a healthy jaw and gums. Typically, dental implants are used to replace one or two missing teeth, however two or more implants can be used as a base for multiple replacement teeth. Dentists actually prefer implants as they provide a more comfortable, natural-looking option for people who need a replacement tooth.

The only bad news when it comes to dental implants is that they’re expensive, and some insurance providers won’t cover them. If this is a problem for you, talk with your dentist and see if they will use your denture allowance towards a dental implant. Some dentists will, some won’t, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

If you’re looking at replacing a missing tooth, set up an appointment in our office today! We’ll go over the options and get you squared away.

signs you need to see the dentist dr chauvin lafayette la dentist

5 signs that mean you need to see your dentist

We all know that we’re supposed to visit the dentist every six months. Some people may need more frequent visits, but for the most part, twice a year is the general rule. It’s important to see your dentist regularly that way any potentially serious issues are handled before they snowball into something very bad (and very expensive). Aside from your usual check-up, there are some things that necessitate an immediate dental visit. Here are 5 signs that mean you need to see your dentist.

Tooth pain

This is an obvious one, namely because it’s impossible to ignore. Tooth pain can interfere with eating, drinking, even talking! And tooth pain can have a variety of causes, so it’s very important to get to a dentist as soon as you notice it. It could be an infection, a cavity, debris lodged between your teeth, gum disease, or something else. Even if the pain recedes after a day or two, make sure you keep your appointment.

Swollen or inflamed gums

If your gums are swollen or inflamed, call your dentist immediately. What has most likely happened is that plaque has hardened beneath the gum line. It’s also a sign of gingivitis. If enough of this plaque accumulates beneath your gums, you’ll develop periodontitis, and surgery is the only way to fix it. This plaque is a breeding ground for bacteria, and when it’s beneath the gum line, it’s much easier for bacteria to get to the roots of our teeth, where it can do some serious damage.

A metallic taste

Having a metallic taste in your mouth (as if you’ve been chewing on coins) is another common sign of gingivitis. It is also an indicator of periodontitis. See your dentist immediately if it starts to taste like you’ve been sucking on a penny.  

Dry mouth

Dry mouth can have a variety of causes, either from age, medication, or some form of bacteria. In each case, it’s important to have your dentist check it out. Our saliva actually helps our bodies fight off cavity-causing bacteria. When our mouth is dry, it’s much easier for the bacteria to get out of control. Dry mouth is also one of the main causes of bad breath. Schedule an appointment with your dentist, and drink lots of water in the meantime to keep things moist.

White spots on teeth

This is the first sign of dental decay. Typically, the white spots are unaccompanied by other symptoms, so it’s important to check your teeth carefully every time you brush and floss. The white spots appear because the enamel has begun to dissolve, thanks to acid-producing bacteria.

If any of these sound familiar, call Dr. Chauvin’s office to set up an appointment today!


3 tips to improve your dental routine

As adults, everyone is pretty set in their ways as far as our dental routines go. Maybe some of us have perfect teeth and an impeccable dental routine, while others simply brush their teeth and leave it at that. However, improving your dental routine can do wonders for you! After all, your dental health affects your entire body. On average, it takes 66 days to develop a habit (not 21 days, as the saying goes). Is it worth it to work at a new dental routine for roughly two months? Absolutely. Here are three tips to help you improve your dental routine.

Eat better.

Do you know what bacteria loves to eat? Sugar. Every time you reach for a soda or fruit juice instead of a water, you’re feeding all sorts of unwanted guests in your mouth. These bacteria will then multiply, and start causing damage to your teeth and gums. Carb-heavy foods tend to be high in sugar as well. By eating better, you’re starving the bacteria in your mouth. Opt for some celery or an apple when you get the munchies instead of a candy bar. In addition to limiting your sugar intake, eating better will also provide your body with the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy!

Regularly switch out your toothbrush.

This is a big one that a lot of people miss. Think about all the food particles and bacteria that are removed every time you brush your teeth… Sure, we rinse our toothbrushes – but that’s not enough. Over time, the toothbrush becomes a bacterial hotbed. Additionally, the bristles weaken with use, reducing their scrubbing power (and their effectiveness at removing debris from our teeth). You should switch out your toothbrush once you notice the bristles start to fray, or after an illness, typically 3 to 4 times a year.

Don’t rinse with water.

Do you use a toothpaste that supposed to reduce sensitivity, and it doesn’t seem to be working? Rinsing with water could be the culprit. Toothpaste is not just tooth soap. Depending on your choice of toothpaste, it can contain elements that strengthen your enamel, reduce sensitivity, prevent bacterial buildup, and so on. When you rinse your mouth after brushing, you’re washing all of those elements away and they can’t do their job properly! When you’ve finished brushing, spit out the excess, but leave the residue on your teeth to give it time to work its magic! If you don’t like the aftertaste, consider switching toothpaste flavors.


If you’ve got questions about how to improve your dental routine, schedule an appointment with Dr. Chauvin! You can walk us through your process, and we can tell you how to improve it.