Can You Remineralize Teeth's enamel_ tim chauvin dental lafayette la

Can You Remineralize Teeth’s enamel

If you’ve had issues with your teeth that involve weakening, white spots, or numerous cavities, one of the key causes could be demineralized enamel.

Tooth enamel is a dense mineral that surrounds the crown of every tooth. Think of this enamel as the moat and your tooth as the castle. Just as a moat protects the castle from unwanted invaders, tooth enamel protects the tooth from foreign substances that can hurt it, such as sugar and acid.

Tooth enamel has a number of distinctive features:

  • It’s the hardest substance in the body
  • It measures just a couple millimeters at its thickest
  • It can be yellow, grayish, white or bluish

Since enamel is a mineral, it does not grow back. When it has been damaged, such as a crack or a chip, that loss becomes permanent. As hard as tooth enamel is, it can sustain a lot of damage, and erosion ranks as the most common type of tooth enamel damage.


What Causes Enamel Loss?

Acid ranks as the main cause of tooth enamel loss. This substance eats away at tooth enamel, eroding it over time. This leaves the tooth vulnerable and without its main source of protection.

The mouth produces acid in a number of ways. The most common method comes from the food we eat. But that’s not all — other contributors to acid production in the mouth include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Acid reflux
  • GI tract issues
  • Taking acidic medicines such as aspirin or antihistamines
  • Low-salivary flow
  • Genetics
  • Bruxism, or grinding of the teeth


Food and drinks that contribute to enamel loss

  • Soda: The sugar in this sweet drink and the bacteria in your mouth combine to form the acid that attacks your teeth every time you take a swallow.
  • Fruit juice: Though not as potent as soda, this drink is high in sugar and sparks high acid production in your mouth.
  • Flavored water: Surprise: You may think water is a safe choice, but if you sip on flavored waters, they often have citric acid and other additives that can produce acid in your mouth, even if they do not contain sugar.
  • Sugary snacks: Snacks with lots of sugar in them, especially chewy ones that stick to your teeth, will damage the enamel. Beware of the many forms of sugar when choosing your snacks — fructose, honey, glucose, corn syrup and others all refer to sugar and should be avoided.
  • Starchy snacks: Carbohydrate-heavy foods such as potato chips, white bread and crackers can linger in the mouth and produce acid.
  • Citrus fruits: While citrus fruits make great snacks and are part of a healthy diet, they are very acidic and can contribute to tooth enamel erosion if they stay in the mouth too long — for example, if you’re sucking on a lemon.


Ways to strengthen tooth enamel

Choose The Right Toothpaste

When you shop for toothpaste, read the labels. Choose enamel-hardening toothpaste that contains fluoride. Brush with this toothpaste twice each day.

Drink Fluoridated Water

When you drink fluoridated water, it immediately benefits the tooth surfaces. After fluoride is absorbed in your body, your saliva will contain the mineral. The fluoride will keep your tooth enamel strong and healthy.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing gum helps your mouth produce saliva. The minerals in saliva strengthen and remineralize tooth enamel. Whenever you want a treat between meals, have sugar-free gum instead of other snacks.

Strong tooth enamel can reduce your risk of cavities, decayed teeth, and other oral health problems. Even if your teeth are no longer in perfect condition, it is not too late to make changes.


If you are not sure how to put these changes into action or have more questions about your dental health, call us today. You can have a checkup and all the information you need to make healthy choices.


Why sharks don’t get cavities – A lesson in fluoride

Sharks have the healthiest teeth in the animal kingdom. That’s pretty impressive seeing as sharks average around 15 rows of teeth in each jaw. Some sharks end up growing and shedding up to 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. Great pearly White Shark, that’s a lot of teeth! How do sharks keep all their teeth looking so porcelain and clean? Well for one, they don’t drink a lot of sugary beverages or candies. It also turns out that sharks have a fluoride coating on their teeth. In fact, their teeth contain 100% fluoride.   Makes sense that they would have their own type of travel toothpaste since they always seem to be on the move.

Why is fluoride so important?

Fluoride is an active ingredient in most toothpastes and is even added to water throughout the country. It’s extremely important in fighting against tooth decay. It protects teeth by restoring the loss of minerals on the tooth enamel. When our teeth lose those minerals on the enamel, it opens the doors to cavities. Think of fluoride as a protective shield, keeping acids that eat through the tooth’s surface at bay. If plaque and tartar are allowed to accumulate on teeth for an extended period of time, it can allow for dangerous bacteria to grow next to the gums. By getting routine teeth cleanings harmful build is removed from your tooth and leaves the tooth surface smooth and clean in order to stop bacteria from developing.


How to make sure you are getting enough fluoride:

  • Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral and is found in various foods and water.
  • Mouthwashes and toothpastes often contain fluoride. Your dentist may even apply higher doses of fluoride in a gel or foam form when you have a checkup.
  • Sometimes a doctor may decide that you need a fluoride supplement. These are available in liquid or tablet form.
  • Fluoride is also important for adults – It’s important to continue to use fluoride toothpaste even after the ‘formative years’ for teeth
  • Too much fluoride can be a bad thing. Knowing how much your city puts in water is important.


It just doesn’t seem fair that a mammal with thousands of replaceable teeth also has the advantage of never getting cavities. Throw a dog a bone! Unfortunately, humans can’t regenerate teeth each time we get a new cavity, so remember to brush and floss daily because this is the only real set of teeth you’ll have!

If you have questions about whether you’re getting enough fluoride, contact us to make an appointment for a routine cleaning.