What happens when a filling falls out?

How many of you has this happened to: sitting there eating, minding your own business, then feel something small, oddly-shaped, and hard in your mouth. There’s always that moment of panic, “Did I just lose a filling? Or is that something in the food?”

The good news is that usually there’s no need to panic! Be careful, though. It is possible to inadvertently inhale (which can lead to infection) or swallow the filling. 

From our team at Dr. Chauvin’s office here in Lafayette, Louisiana, here’s what to do when a filling falls out.

What to do when a filling falls out

There’s no need to save the filling unless it was gold or ceramic inlay, as your dentist may be able to put those back into place.

Most dentist offices have emergency appointment slots available for things like this. It’s very important to get in as soon as possible.

Depending on the location and depth of the filling that was lost, leaving it alone for too long could cause serious problems. After all, the inside of the tooth is exposed! If the pulp gets infected, you could be looking at a root canal or extraction!

Make sure you practice extremely good dental hygiene while waiting for your appointment. Brush the hole gently to remove debris, and rinse with warm saltwater after eating to prevent food buildup.

An appointment for a filling that has fallen out

Once you get to your appointment, your dentist will take an X-ray and take a look at the tooth.

If the tooth’s integrity is still largely intact, you’ll simply need a replacement filling and be on your way. If too much of the tooth is compromised, you’ll need a crown or cap. This just depends on how old the filling was and how well you’ve taken care of your teeth in the interim.

If it’s a fairly new filling, that means the filling never bonded to the tooth properly and your dentist should replace it free of charge or at a reduced rate.

Fillings don’t last forever, and during dental checkups, your dentist can identify open margins (if the filling has begun to separate from the tooth). When a filling isn’t sealed correctly, it creates a tiny gap that bacteria can enter. This opens the door to additional cavities or infections. A cavity forming behind a filling will most likely result in a root canal.

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Chauvin today

The key is being proactive – visit your dentist for regular checkups, especially if you’ve had dental work done before. At these appointments, your dentist will determine whether a filling replacement is necessary. Have you lost a filling? Call Dr. Chauvin’s office so we can get it fixed!

How does sugar affect your teeth?

Consuming too much sugar can harm more than your blood glucose and your waistline; it can harm your teeth. Sugar consumption feeds the millions of harmful oral bacteria dwelling inside your mouth. By nourishing these destructive bacteria, you increase your risks for tooth enamel erosion and dental caries. Our gentle dentist, Dr. Chauvin prevents and treats tooth decay in Lafayette, Louisiana. If it’s time to reserve a dental checkup, call Tim Chauvin, DDS & Associates to speak with a helpful member of our team. 

What happens to my teeth when I eat sugar?

Eating sugary and starchy food creates a chain reaction in your mouth that harms your teeth. First, once sugar molecules enter the oral cavity, the bacteria that form plaque will begin to feed. As they eat these sugar molecules, they colonize and release acids as a by-product. Acids work in tandem with bacteria to cause permanent damage to teeth. This process will soften tooth enamel and ultimately lead to enamel loss as acids strip away its minerals. 

Your tooth enamel is precious. In fact, it’s the only thing standing between the softer structures within your teeth and cavity-causing bacteria. When tooth enamel is permanently damaged, you will have substantially increased risks for developing cavities. 

Are there “safer” forms of sugar?

Sugar by any other name is still a food source to harmful oral bacteria. Some folks mistakenly believe that blue agave nectar or honey are safer than conventional cane sugar. Unfortunately, the bacteria in your mouth don’t discriminate, so anything that the body breaks down as a sugar compound will serve as a food source. 

When you’re checking ingredient labels on food items, you need to look for more than just the word “sugar”. Following are common names of sugar sources in popular food items:

  • Maltose
  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Corn syrup including high fructose varieties
  • Fruit juice concentrate

What foods and drinks should I avoid the most?

Some of the most destructive items you can consume are products that contain both sugar and acid. Common examples include soda, citrus, wine, cocktails, and fruit. While some of these items can have health benefits such as vitamin C or anti-oxidants, combining sugar with acidic compounds could spell trouble for your pearly whites. 

One culprit behind tooth decay and enamel loss that people are surprised to learn about are smoothies—even the green varieties. Although smoothies have tons of nutrient-dense ingredients, they are often sweetened with fruit juices like pineapple or orange juice that also happen to be acidic. Since smoothies are blended, particles from these health drinks can settle in between teeth for hours at a time. 

If you decide to consume foods and beverages that are dangerous to your teeth, be sure to drink plain water afterwards. Water assists saliva with diluting harmful acids and with rinsing your teeth. You can also brush your teeth about 30 minutes after consuming something with sugar and/or acid for more protection. 

How are cavities treated?

Since teeth cannot self-heal, cavities require professional treatment from a dentist. Early-stage tooth decay is typically treated with small restorations called “fillings”. Normally, a filling consists of applying a tooth-colored compound in liquid form over the treatment area. Then, the filling compound is hardened with a curing light. Since fillings are made from tooth-colored materials, patients can enjoy undetectable dental work. 

More significant tooth decay may be treated with restorations such as onlays, inlays, and dental crowns. After you’ve been diagnosed with a cavity, our dentist can help you determine the best treatment method to suit your unique needs. 

If you’re struggling with tooth pain or if it’s been a while since your last checkup, call Tim Chauvin, DDS & Associates at (337) 234-2186 to reserve an appointment.

5 Surprising Foods That Promote Healthy Teeth

We’ve all been told to avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks, but many of us may be unaware of what we can eat that could increase our oral health. It turns out, there’s a number of foods we can add to our diets to promote healthier teeth and gums. While what we eat can’t replace the importance of receiving regular preventive care from a dentist, it can certainly help decrease our risks for common oral health conditions

Below are five foods you should incorporate in your diet to promote healthier teeth and gums. 

  • Eggs

You might be aware of how calcium can strengthen teeth, but you may not know that phosphorus is another important mineral related to dental health. Our tooth enamel consists of many minerals, but two of the most important are calcium and phosphorus. Eggs contain high concentrations of phosphorus. They’re also a source of Vitamin D, which helps our bodies absorb calcium. Incorporating eggs a few times a week into your breakfasts could help keep your tooth enamel healthy and strong. 

  • Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is not usually considered a healthy food. However, there are different types of chocolate. Milk and white chocolate are full of sugar. But since it contains tannins and antioxidants, dark chocolate can actually inhibit the growth of bacteria. It also has a chemical called theobromine that can harden tooth enamel and has health benefits for your heart. Dark chocolate’s benefits shouldn’t be misconstrued as a free license to eat candy bars everyday, but coating fresh fruit in dark chocolate is certainly a healthier choice for an indulgent treat. 

  • Alcohol-Based Sweeteners

Alcohol-based sweeteners do not have the same effect as sugar on oral bacteria. One alcohol-based sweetener, xylitol, is actually good for controlling harmful bacteria like s. mutans—the specific bacteria that causes cavities. Xylitol tricks oral bacteria into thinking it is a food source, but unlike real sugar, xylitol starves bacteria. We recommend using xylitol breath mints and/or chewing gum on a regular basis to reap the benefits of this cavity-fighting ingredient.

  • Cheese 

Most people know that dairy is a great source of protein and calcium. One way to increase your calcium intake is to incorporate cheese into your diet. Cheese is a great food to eat for your oral health because it also neutralizes acid, which can help you maintain a healthy oral pH. Cheese does contain fat and cholesterol, however, so it’s wise to consume appropriate portions to avoid unwanted weight gain or potential cardiovascular issues.

  • Kale

Like cheese, kale is a great source of calcium and a number of other crucial nutrients. What is unique about kale is that it requires plenty of chewing. This has the same effect on your teeth that sugar free gums do. The excess saliva production needed to break down kale loosens food particles and neutralizes acid in your mouth. 


In addition to practicing great oral hygiene and receiving routine checkups, eating a healthy and balanced diet can do wonders for your oral health. If it’s time for a checkup or cleaning, give our Lafayette dental office a call today at (337) 234-2186 to reserve an appointment with our gentle dentist, Dr. Chauvin. 

They filled a cavity how!?

And other facts about ancient dental practices and hygiene….

If you think that having a cavity filled in a clean, well-lit, dental office stocked with magazines and laughing gas is a miserable experience, at least you aren’t having your cavity filled on a mountainside in Italy some 13,000 years ago.

A few years ago we wrote about how dentistry has its roots (Roots get it? That’s a dental joke…like a root canal) back to Sumeria about 5000 years ago.  

But anthropologists are now finding that filling cavities dates as far back as the Neolithic period.

Discovered in the northern mountains of Tuscany, Italy researchers noted the placement of holes in two incisors in the remains of an individual.

Talk about painful– the study suggests that the Neolithic dentist used a pointed tool (likely a stone) on his or her subject to widen the hole and scrape out the decay. This ancient dentist then used bitumen, a naturally occurring tar that is a form of petroleum to fill the cavity.

It was previously thought that the oldest known use of filling dated back to 6,500 years ago in Pakistan, where researchers found a tooth that had been filled with wax.


Did our ancestors have lots of cavities?

Depends on what time period and the place we’re talking about. When anthropologists look at skulls dating before the Neolithic period (before 12,000 years ago) they see relatively healthy teeth. This was a time when all people used for dental hygiene was a toothpick.

Rotten teeth only became a common problem about 10,000 years ago. Why?

Farming. One of the hallmarks of the Neolithic period was improved agriculture that included growing grains that could be harvested and broken down into sugary, complex carbohydrates.

The result was poor dental hygiene. Eating more forms of refined sugars and starches was not the only way people came to have more cavities.

Milling and grinding grains was a rudimentary process. In desert cultures such as Ancient Egypt and the Fertile Crescent, sand grains and grit would find their way into bread. The sand and grit led to worn down enamel, making teeth susceptible to decay.

The result? A lot of mummies with a lot of bad teeth.  

To cope with this relatively newfound problem of tooth rot, the field of dentistry emerged. While people certainly didn’t visit the dentist every six months for a check up, they began practicing basic dental hygiene.

In the Arabian peninsula people began chewing miswak, chew sticks made from the salvadora persica tree. Indeed the tree is now commonly referred to in many Arabic-speaking parts of the world as the “toothbrush tree.” In Sudan, anthropological evidence suggests people chewed or ingested purple nutsedge, a tuber with antimicrobial properties. In China, strongly brewed tea served as an antiseptic mouthrinse after meals.

Overall, it appears that a diet rich in meat and vegetables and less in carbs determined, at least in part, the overall dental hygiene of a population.

These tactics may have prevented further tooth decay but they were certainly no replacement for modern-day dental hygiene.  

If you think you may have a cavity, don’t let a Neolithic dentist drill your tooth. Come see us in Lafayette, Louisiana. We’ll help keep you smiling big!

Follow this nightly dental routine and be cavity-free for your next checkup

We all know this much: cavities are bad.

Not good.

No bueno.

When the dentist lets you know that you have one, your heart sinks a little bit.


Because for some it kind of feels like they just got a big fat F on their dental exam, and nobody likes bad grades. For others, it seems like a reflection of their character or dedication to dental hygiene.

But here’s the thing – most people get a cavity or five in their lifetime, and you’re not awful if you have to get one filled every once in a while.

The good news is that there are ways to avoid them. You just have to have some discipline!

Your new nightly dental routine


  • Brush your teeth…for a while


Yes, this is step number one for a reason. It’s incredibly obvious, but brushing your teeth for a good amount of time is one of the best ways you can prevent acids and sugars from eating away at your tooth enamel and causing decay.

The real key, though, is to brush them for long enough. Dentists recommend a whole two minutes. This will most likely feel like a very very long time at first, but it’s necessary to keep your pearly whites, well…white.

When you brush, use short, gentle strokes over the surfaces and gumlines, taking care to pay equal attention to the outside, inside, and chewing surfaces.


  • Floss twice a day


Flossing is definitely not a fan favorite, but how else are you supposed to remove all that food debris from between your teeth ?

Trust us. If you don’t already floss, you might be disgusted (read: fascinated) to see how much food gets lodged in the cracks.

And do you know what happens to that food? It decays. It damages your enamel.

It also doesn’t smell great.

Floss using either a waxed or unwaxed floss, or turn to some other cool flossing tools we talked about in a previous blog.


  • Brush with fluoride toothpaste


Fluoride is a great thing.

It is a mineral that works wonders in the cavity fighting department, and it prevents mineral loss and the resulting damage to enamel.

Here are a few types of toothpaste that have been approved by the American Dental Association

  • AIM Cavity Protection Toothpaste Gel
  • AloeSense Toothpaste
  • Aquafresh for Kids Toothpaste
  • Arm & Hammer Dental Care Advance Cleaning Mint Toothpaste with Baking Soda

Click here for more products approved by the ADA.
So there you go.

It’s not a breakthrough in dental hygiene, but these are three things that you can do every night to greatly improve the likelihood that you will survive your next teeth cleaning cavity free!

As always, visit Dr. Chauvin in Lafayette for a easy (and judgement free) appointment.

What happens if my cavity is in a hard to reach place

More than 3 million people each year have to have cavities treated. They’re very common, and are relatively easy to treat when they’re caught in time. Generally, the decay is removed with a drill, and a filling replaces the missing tooth material. However, cavities can form on any surface of the tooth. So if you have a smaller mouth, or the cavity is at the very back of the mouth, this can make the traditional treatment a bit more difficult.

Treating a cavity that’s hard to reach

There are a couple of different ways to treat a cavity:

  • Fluoride treatments
  • Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Crowns
  • Root canals

If the cavity is caught very early, fluoride treatments can help restore your tooth’s enamel. You’ll be given a liquid, gel, or foam that is either brushed onto your teeth, or placed in trays that sit on your teeth. It’s left on for a few moments each day, and that’s all there is to it, no matter where the tooth is located.

The typical cavity treatment, a filling, may be impossible depending on the cavity’s location; for instance, if the cavity is located on the backside of your 2nd molar (the last one if you’ve had your wisdom teeth removed). The most common filling nowadays, a white composite resin, requires exposure to a dental curing light to finish hardening. So if your cavity is at the very back of your mouth, it’s going to be difficult to get that light back there!

If the cavity proves to be impossible to traditionally fill, you can have a crown put on the tooth. Crowns are typically reserved for when the tooth is extensively decayed or weakened, but they can be used in other instances. Your dentist will take a mold of your bite, then remove all of the decay, as well as some of the healthy tooth, in order to ensure that the crown will fit properly. You’ll be given a temporary crown until your custom one is finished. Then the temporary crown is removed and you’re fitted with the permanent one!

The bad news: crowns are a lot more expensive than fillings. So if budget is a factor (or you just don’t want to have a crown put on), you can choose to have the tooth removed. Keep in mind, when a tooth is removed, other teeth may shift and cause additional problems. A bridge or a dental implant will prevent other teeth from moving.

This is why it’s so critical to maintain proper dental hygiene and regular dental checkups. The sooner a problem is caught, the less involved the treatment will be. Call Dr. Chauvin to schedule an appointment!

A Tooth Friendly Easter Basket

tooth friendly easter basketChocolate bunnies, heavenly hash, and bright yellow peeps are the traditional part of Easter Basket fun. The National Confectioners Association says that Americans spend more than $1.5 billion on Easter candy each year, second only to Halloween candy! This is the equivalent of 25 pounds per candy per person! However, here at your favorite Lafayette dentists office, we have it on good authority from the Easter Bunny that there are many fun items you can include in a tooth friendly easter basket that are not filled with sugar. 

Whether you’re 5 or 35, Easter candy can be incredibly tempting. However, too much of a good thing can be a very bad thing – 92% of adults age 20-64 have had cavities in their permanent teeth. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, each person in that same age group has an average of 3.28 decayed or missing permanent teeth and 13.65 decayed and missing permanent surfaces. And it’s not just grown-ups: The Pew Center on the States says that about 60% of children have dental decay. 

Going easy on the sugary, sticky candy that hangs on to teeth long after the taste is gone is a better idea than you might think. Sugar in candy combines with the bacteria in your mouth to create acids, which attack the enamel of your teeth. What tastes so great in the moment can lead to cavities and other dental problems down the road. And if you skip the sugar in your child’s basket, you might even avoid the sugar rush! You can have them to drink plenty of water between each piece of candy. Rinsing their mouth frequently will clean their smile of some acid formation and bacteria from sugar. Since dry mouth is more conducive to bacteria, hydrating your mouth is a good practice for daily oral hygiene. But a better alternative is simply replacing the candy in your tooth friendly easter basket!

Tooth Friendly Easter Basket Ideas:

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is important, but that doesn’t mean kids can’t have fun with it. 

  • Novelty tooth brush
  • Play Dough
  • Bubbles
  • Glitter Pens
  • Stickers –scratch n sniff of course
  • Legos
  • Fruit snacks
  • Dark chocolate


As always, there’s no substitute for brushing and flossing at the end of the day to keep teeth clean and cavity free. The easter bunny never intended for tooth decay to go hand in hand with his delightful reputation.

If you need help keeping your family’s mouth healthy contact Dr. Chauvin’s office today and schedule a check up or teeth cleaning.


Types of Dental Fillings and the Right One for You

dental fillings

Are you curious about what types of dental filling options you have, and what types there are? Lots of people can get confused by what sort of dental filling options they have. Thankfully, Dr. Chauvin, your favorite Lafayette Louisiana dentist is extremely experienced and can help you along this process by offering a great deal of options for your procedure.


Your dental options vary depending on your health, where and how the filling is placed, the amount of pressure the tooth will have to take while chewing and the type of materials that should be used for your individual needs. Most fillings are used to fill the hole that is left behind when a dentist takes out a cavity. Fillings can also be used to repair cracked or broken teeth, or give new shape to a tooth.

Types of Dental Fillings:

  1. Amalgam Fillings –  These metal fillings are typically made up of mercury and copper. Amalgam fillings are strong and long-lasting, but are aesthetically unpleasing. Advantages include: Strength, inexpensive, and can be completed in one visit.  Disadvantages include: Do not blend in, healthy parts of tooth may be removed to make room for filling, can tarnish over time, can crack in temperature changes.
  2. Composite Fillings – These tooth-colored fillings are made of a hard plastic material, making them very safe and strong. The main advantage is that they are made to match your teeth. However, the 5 year lifespan is very short compared to other filling options, so they may not be the first option for people on a budget in the long-term. 
  3. Porcelain Fillings – Also called inlays or onlays, porcelain fillings are custom created in a dental lab and then bonded to the tooth by the dentist. They can be matched to the color of the tooth, resist staining, and are about the same cost as gold fillings. A porcelain restoration generally covers most of the tooth, making the filling nearly undetectable.
  4. Glass ionomers –  These glass and acrylic fillings usually last less than five years, but they are often a good choice for children whose teeth are still changing. Also, they can release fluoride, which can help prevent tooth decay.

An Alternative to Dental Fillings: Dental Crowns and Dental Implants

For some patients of Dr. Chauvin, dental crowns may be necessary in the presence of severe tooth decay. Dental crowns are used to protect teeth that are weak from decay and in danger of breaking or cracking. Teeth that are already cracked can also be held together with a dental crown. When there isn’t enough tooth left after a filling has been placed (when the filling is too large), a dental crown can be used to protect and cover the tooth. A dental crown is a cap placed over a tooth to restore strength, shape, and size. Dental crowns may also be used to improve the appearance of the teeth, and once placed, fully encase the entire visible portion of the tooth above and below the gumline. 

If your tooth has suffered so much damage that it cannot be saved, the tooth will need to be extracted and replaced.  Dental implants often offer the most stable, durable, and natural looking tooth replacement option.

Learn More about Dental Fillings

Want to know more? Please contact your Lafayette La dentist Dr. Chauvin. He readily shares his knowledge and expertise with our patients. We would be happy to answer any questions or schedule an appointment for you.

It’s important that you take good care of your teeth by brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. And of course, visiting Dr. Chauvin twice a year for your regular check-up. Doing so will ensure that issues with tooth decay are caught and dealt with early and that your teeth remain as healthy as possible.

How does a root canal work

How Does a Root Canal Work-Did you know that more than 15 million teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal treatments? Despite those numbers root canals still have a pretty bad reputation.  The root canals stress-inducing reputation took hold several decades ago, when root canal treatment really was painful. Today, its reputation remains unchanged, even though the procedure itself has changed. A survey conducted by the American Association of Endodontists showed that patients who’ve had a root canal performed are six times more likely to describe it as “painless” than those people who have not had root canal treatment.

A simple fix to this bad reputation is understanding the root canal procedure, starting with the anatomy of the tooth. Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, and helps to grow the root of your tooth during development. In a fully developed tooth, the tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

Why is a root canal necessary?

Once the pulp is infected, it must be removed in order to save the tooth. A tooth can become infected for several reasons, including severe tooth decay or a crack or chip in the tooth. The most common way for the pulp to become infected is from an untreated cavity. Failing restorations such as dental fillings and dental crowns can foster bacterial leakage into the dental pulp. Once infected, the dental pulp begins to die and the body’s inflammatory responses set it. The combination of infection and inflammation can cause significant pain. The end result is a toothache. 

You can use the following checklist to help you determine whether a root canal may be called for.


  • Do hot or cold food or beverages cause a toothache?
  • Do you find it excruciatingly painful to eat?
  • Is your tooth sore to the touch?
  • Do you have a severe toothache?
  • Do you have a bump (possibly filled with pus or blood) on your gum?
  • Do you have pain that may radiate from one part of your mouth to another or from your mouth into your head or your ear?

What is the root canal procedure like?

Root canal therapy is a complex procedure that requires both skill and experience. Often requiring one or more visits to the dentist. Luckily, you won’t mind seeing your favorite Lafayette Louisiana dentist, Dr. Chauvin, more than once!  The first step in the procedure is to take an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection in the surrounding bone. Local anesthesia is then used to numb the area.  A drill is used to make small hole through the enamel and dentin, and into the pulp. Using flexible nickel titanium pin-like files, the inside of the canal is shaped. This is done delicately, but thoroughly, to completely remove all traces of infection or debris. This process is performed with a great deal of care in order to minimize damage or trauma to the surrounding ligaments and bone.

The next step is to disinfect and seal the tooth using a special type of heat gun to fill the canal with a material called gutta-percha. Gutta-percha is a natural, biocompatible, anti-bacterial material that expands and seals the hollowed area within the span of about 15 minutes. 

If the root canal is not completed on the same day, a temporary filling is placed in the exterior hole in the tooth to keep contaminants out between appointments.


The final step may involve further restoration of the tooth. Because a tooth that needs root canal therapy often is one that has a large filling or extensive decay or other weakness, a crown, crown and post, or other restoration often needs to be placed on the tooth to protect it, prevent it from breaking, and restore it to full function.

If you are experiencing pain or think you may need a root canal give Dr. Chauvin in Lafayette Louisiana a call today.



Why sharks don’t get cavities – A lesson in fluoride

Sharks have the healthiest teeth in the animal kingdom. That’s pretty impressive seeing as sharks average around 15 rows of teeth in each jaw. Some sharks end up growing and shedding up to 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. Great pearly White Shark, that’s a lot of teeth! How do sharks keep all their teeth looking so porcelain and clean? Well for one, they don’t drink a lot of sugary beverages or candies. It also turns out that sharks have a fluoride coating on their teeth. In fact, their teeth contain 100% fluoride.   Makes sense that they would have their own type of travel toothpaste since they always seem to be on the move.

Why is fluoride so important?

Fluoride is an active ingredient in most toothpastes and is even added to water throughout the country. It’s extremely important in fighting against tooth decay. It protects teeth by restoring the loss of minerals on the tooth enamel. When our teeth lose those minerals on the enamel, it opens the doors to cavities. Think of fluoride as a protective shield, keeping acids that eat through the tooth’s surface at bay. If plaque and tartar are allowed to accumulate on teeth for an extended period of time, it can allow for dangerous bacteria to grow next to the gums. By getting routine teeth cleanings harmful build is removed from your tooth and leaves the tooth surface smooth and clean in order to stop bacteria from developing.


How to make sure you are getting enough fluoride:

  • Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral and is found in various foods and water.
  • Mouthwashes and toothpastes often contain fluoride. Your dentist may even apply higher doses of fluoride in a gel or foam form when you have a checkup.
  • Sometimes a doctor may decide that you need a fluoride supplement. These are available in liquid or tablet form.
  • Fluoride is also important for adults – It’s important to continue to use fluoride toothpaste even after the ‘formative years’ for teeth
  • Too much fluoride can be a bad thing. Knowing how much your city puts in water is important.


It just doesn’t seem fair that a mammal with thousands of replaceable teeth also has the advantage of never getting cavities. Throw a dog a bone! Unfortunately, humans can’t regenerate teeth each time we get a new cavity, so remember to brush and floss daily because this is the only real set of teeth you’ll have!

If you have questions about whether you’re getting enough fluoride, contact us to make an appointment for a routine cleaning.