How Smoking Affects the Teeth, Gums, and Tongue

At this point, it’s no secret that smoking is bad for you: even a pack of cigarettes comes with a boldly printed warning label saying as much. Although smoking does seem to be on a slow decline as far as people who are regular smokers, there are still a vast number of Americans who do smoke. According to the CDC, in 2015 almost 18% of Americans smoked. That’s over 42 million people! Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and is currently responsible for about 20% of deaths.

Nicotine is an incredibly addictive substance that, combined with the many other chemicals in tobacco products, can have some extremely powerful and negative effects on a person’s health. Most commonly, smoking causes lung cancer, but did you know it has strong effects on a smoker’s oral health too? Smoking, or using any tobacco products, does impact the teeth, gums, and tongue.

So how does smoking affect your oral health, specifically?

When we talk about smoking in this article, we are referring to tobacco products in general, including all smokeless products.

Tobacco consumption in general is harmful and can cause the negative side effects listed below:

  • Increased buildup of plaque
  • Yellow or discolored teeth
  • Stained tongue
  • Bad breath
  • Bone loss in the mouth/jaw
  • Gum disease that is more severe and harder to treat than in non-smokers
  • Poor results or healing with dental surgery/procedures, such as dental implants
  • Higher risk of gum disease and oral cancer
  • Gum irritation or sensitivity
  • Inability to taste foods
  • Tooth loss
  • Leukoplakia, or thick white patches in the mouth


If you are a smoker, share that information with your dentist and doctor. Your dentist may want to see you more often than twice a year to monitor your teeth and gums for any issues.

Although you may lessen the negative effects on your oral health by reducing the amount you smoke, the best thing to do is to quit smoking. Even if you have smoked for many years, you can still reap a multitude of health benefits by quitting now. There are many resources, medications, and over the counter products available through your doctor or community if you choose to quit.

And as always, whether you smoke or not – and perhaps it is of particular importance if you do – be sure to practice good dental hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and visit your dentist at least twice a year for your scheduled cleanings.

What to do if my tooth feels loose - dr chauvin lafayette la

What to do if my tooth feels loose

Sometimes, adult teeth can feel a bit loose, which is particularly noticeable when you’re eating or brushing your teeth.

In many cases, this sensation will feel worse in the mornings, and then gradually tighten up during the day. Often, the sensation is completely gone by the next morning.

If your tooth feels loose, it may be tempting to ignore the problem when this occurs, but a loose tooth should never be ignored. It is an indication that there may be a more serious problem.

From the Lafayette office of dentist Tim Chauvin, here’s what you need to know if your tooth feels loose.

What causes loose teeth?

There are a number of dental issues that can cause adult teeth to feel loose.

  • The most common cause is oral trauma. When an impact or other oral trauma occurs, the small periodontal ligaments that hold your tooth roots in place can stretch. Each tooth has thousands of these ligaments lined up all around the root, much like the springs around a trampoline. When these become stretched, the tooth can begin to feel loose.
  • For most adults, this type of oral trauma is usually caused by bruxism, or nighttime tooth grinding. This condition causes you to sleep with your teeth clenched very tightly all through the night. In some cases, you may even grind your teeth back and forth, further stretching the ligaments. This can cause your teeth to feel loose in the mornings.
  • Another common cause of loose teeth is gum disease. When plaque and other deposits begin to develop beneath the gum line, an infection can occur. When left untreated, this infection can destroy gum tissue and damage the periodontal ligaments holding your tooth in place. This will leave them feeling loose and can lead to a number of other dental problems, including eventual tooth loss.

How are loose teeth treated?

The treatment you receive for your loose teeth will depend largely on the cause.

The first step will be to give your tooth some extra support in order to stabilize it. This process is known as splinting and involves placing a small, flexible splint in place in order to keep the tooth from moving. Your dentist will use a special dental cement to bond a small splint on either side of your tooth, anchoring it to the surrounding teeth in order to keep it stable and still. The splint is usually worn for around two weeks in order to give the periodontal ligaments time to heal.

If your loose tooth has been caused by bruxism, you will also be given a special mouth guard to wear at night while you sleep. This will help to cushion your teeth, preventing you from fully clenching your jaws during the night. If you do grind your teeth, they will simply slide back and forth along the smooth material of the mouth guard, preventing the periodontal ligaments from experiencing the stress that caused your tooth to become loose in the first place.

In the case of gum disease, treatment may need to be a bit more extensive. The first step will be to schedule you for a few deep cleaning appointments, during which each quadrant of your mouth will be carefully treated. You will undergo dental scaling and root planing in order to remove the plaque and other deposits that have collected below the gum line. You may also need to undergo a course of antibiotics, and if your periodontal pockets are very deep, they may be filled with a special medication designed to shrink them back down to normal size.

If your tooth is beyond saving, a tooth extraction may be necessary. Once the tooth is removed, you will be given either a dental implant, a dental bridge, or a partial denture to replace the tooth. This keeps the remaining teeth in your mouth from pulling out of their sockets in order to fill the resulting space, protecting your dental health.

Contact our Lafayette dental office today

Struggling with the feeling of a loose tooth? Or dental professionals can take a look and help you “root” out the problem – and give you a solution. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Home remedies for a toothache - dr chauvin lafayette la

Home remedies for a toothache

A toothache can range from throbbing to excruciating, and with a good dentist it is likely that the pain will not last long. However, there are those times in the middle of the night when you need to take matters into your own hands.

Toothache is at the top of the list for not-a-fun-time, but there are some natural remedies you can use to relieve the pain before you make it to the dentist. From Dr. Chauvin and our office here in Lafayette, Louisiana, here are some home remedies to try.

Home Remedies for a Toothache

It’s always recommended to visit your dentist when facing serious, long-lasting tooth pain. But for quick home remedies to ease the pain in the meantime, here’s what you should consider:

Clove Oil – Apply directly on your bad tooth. Clove oil has remarkable bacteria-slaying properties—and it also has a numbing effect, which is why it’s a longtime folk remedy for toothache. Today we know that this extract from the clove bud contains eugenol, which acts as a local anesthetic. The oil may sting at first, but then blissful relief sets in.

Tincture of myrrh – The astringent effects help with inflammation, and myrrh offers the added benefit of killing bacteria. Simmer 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes. Strain and let cool. Rinse with 1 teaspoon of the solution in half-cup water five to six times a day.

Peppermint tea – Has numbing power and a great taste. Put 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 20 minutes. After the tea cools, swish it around in your mouth, then spit it out or swallow. Repeat as often as needed.

• 3% hydrogen peroxide solution – Swish mouthful to assist in killing bacteria and relieve some discomfort. This can provide temporary relief if the toothache is accompanied by fever and a foul taste in the mouth which are both signs of infection. A hydrogen peroxide solution is only for rinsing. Spit it out, then rinse it several times with plain water.

Salt and Pepper -Salt mixed with pepper can be of great use when a tooth becomes extremely sensitive as both ingredients have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties.

  1. Mix equal amounts of pepper and common salt with a few drops of water to form a paste.
  2. Apply the paste directly on the affected tooth and allow it to sit for a few minutes.
  3. Do this daily for several days.

Ice – Place a small cube in a plastic bag, wrap a thin cloth around the bag, and apply it to the aching tooth for about 15 minutes to numb the nerves. Alternatively, that ice pack can go on your cheek, over the painful tooth.

Tea Bag  – A warm, wet tea bag is a standard folk remedy for toothache that’s worth a try. Black tea contains astringent tannins, which may reduce swelling and give you temporary relief.

• Use a toothpaste that’s designated “for sensitive teeth.” If you have a problem with shrinking gums, this could relieve a lot of the pain you probably experience from hot or cold foods. When gums shrink, the dentin beneath your teeth’s enamel surface is exposed, and this material is particularly sensitive.

Garlic – The use of garlic can also provide immense relief from toothache. Garlic has antibiotic and other medicinal properties that can be very effective in reducing pain.

  1. Mix a crushed garlic clove (or garlic powder) with some table salt or black salt and apply it directly on the affected tooth to alleviate the pain. If you prefer, you can chew one or two cloves of garlic to get relief.
  2. Repeat this natural treatment for a few days.

Contact Dr. Chauvin in Lafayette, Louisiana for all your dental health questions

Whatever else you do, make an appointment to see your dentist. These home remedies can provide temporary relief, but your dentist needs to do some exploration and find out what’s causing this toothache. Odds are, you have a problem that requires treatment. If you don’t find out what’s causing the ache, it will only get worse.

Tips to Overcome Fear of the Dentist & Dental Anxiety - dr chauvin lafayette la

Tips to Overcome Fear of the Dentist & Dental Anxiety

What to Expect at Your Dental Check-Up - dr chauvin lafayette la

What to Expect at Your Dental Check-Up

Are you dreading your regularly scheduled visit to the dentist? If you are, you’re not alone, but fear not: a visit to the dentist’s office isn’t nearly as bad as it sounds. 

Dental offices like Dr. Chauvin’s office will do everything they can to make you more comfortable, and even if there’s somewhere you’d rather be, your mouth will thank you later. 

Before the visit

It’s a good idea to ask your dentist’s office how long the appointment will last, then add some extra time to that. You don’t want to feel rushed or stressed while you’re in the dentist’s chair. Plus, if it’s been a long time since your last visit, the check-up could take longer. 

Another thing you should do — if you have dental insurance — is to make sure that your dentist is part of your insurance network. Check with your dentist’s office beforehand to see if you will have to pay a copay or other fees when you get there. 

The check-up 

Arrive early at your dentist’s office to fill out paperwork, and also to make sure the staff has everything they need to complete your visit. 

Here’s what will typically happen during the exam: 

  • A dental hygienist will use a set of ultrasonic tools to clean your teeth. He or she will work to get rid of plaque and tartar on your teeth and along your gum line. 
  • The hygienist will also floss in between your teeth. If you feel pain or discomfort at any time during the cleaning, let the hygienist know. 
  • If you haven’t had a cleaning in a long time, you might need a deep cleaning, in which case your dentist will likely have to inject novocaine or something similar to numb the gums. 
  • The hygienist will also polish your teeth and then give your mouth a good rinse. 
  • After the hygienist is done, you might get X-rays done, depending on the last time your mouth was X-rayed. 
  • The final person inspecting your mouth will be the dentist, who will inspect your teeth and gums and rate the strength of each tooth and search for any pockets or gaps in between your teeth and gums. Sometimes, this causes mild pain, discomfort, or slight bleeding. Don’t be alarmed – this happens to many people.
  • If there are no problems detected, you’ll probably schedule your next check-up and call it a day. If the dentist finds any issues, he or she will discuss them with you and determine the next course of action. 

Schedule Your Next Appointment with Dr. Tim Chauvin

If it’s time for your next check-up and cleaning, don’t hesitate. Your oral health depends on it! Contact Dr. Tim Chauvin’s office today. 

How to combat halitosis - dr chauvin lafayette la

How to combat halitosis

It’s not a pleasant subject to talk about, but if you’re suffering from bad breath, you need to know you have it — and that there are things you can do to prevent it. 

What are the causes of halitosis or bad breath?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis or malodor, is most often caused by something happening in your mouth, like bacteria that cause the gums to swell and emit a sulfur-like smell, or cavities. 

Here are some other reasons you might have bad breath: 

  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Chronic bronchitis

How to combat bad breath

If you’re suffering from bad breath (just like those people around you), fortunately, there are things you can do to get rid of it and keep it from coming back. These include: 

  • Rinsing with mouthwash: Did you know that mouthwash not only adds a minty freshness to your breath, it also kills bacteria? Just make sure you choose a mouthwash that kills bacteria, and it’ll help eliminate some of the source of bad breath.

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet: There are some diets out there, like fasting and no-carb diets, that can cause bad breath. If you’ve had problems with halitosis, you should avoid these extreme diets. Although garlic, onions and some spices are good for your body, they’re not good for your mouth. You shouldn’t eat them if you’re trying to improve your breath.

  • Tongue-scraping: The two most common bacteria in your mouth that are widely known for causing bad breath and tooth decay are called Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli. If you scrape your tongue twice a day, research has shown that these two types of bacteria will be reduced in your mouth.

  • Brush and floss more often: Are you brushing your teeth twice a day? And are you flossing at least once a day? If you answered yes, are you being honest with yourself? If you’re not brushing and flossing in accordance with the standards listed above, then you’re not getting rid of all the plaque in your mouth. Plaque causes the bacteria that will bring you bad breath.

  • Quit using tobacco products: There’s a long list of reasons why you should quit smoking or using other nicotine products, and among them is bad breath. The time to quit is now.

  • Choose gum instead of mints: Just like your body gets addicted to sugar, your mouth is a big fan of sugar, too. Bacteria love sugar. They love it so much, they turn it into acid that breaks down your tooth enamel and causes bad breath. If you need something to freshen your breath, choose sugar-free gum instead of mints.

  • Stay hydrated: One of the causes of bad breath is an overly dry mouth, and one way to combat a dry mouth is by drinking plenty of water. Make sure you’re drinking at least 64 ounces a day.

  • Visit your dentist! This is last, but definitely not least. If you’re experiencing bad breath and none of the above solutions are helping, it’s time to call Dr. Tim Chauvin’s office to see how we can help. 

Set up a dental appointment with Dr. Tim Chauvin’s office today

If you are worried about bad breath, there are various options available for improvement. With the right dentist by your side, you can figure out the problem and your best solution. Chauvin, DDS & Associates in Lafayette La is here to help! Set up an appointment today.

Cross-bite correction and treatment - dr chauvin lafayette la

Cross-bite correction and treatment

A cross-bite is when your teeth are out of alignment. It is where your lower teeth will be outside of your top row of teeth. Cross-bite can make an individual feel self-conscious about their smile and other facial expressions. Let’s learn more about it.

What is a cross-bite?

In the simplest terms, a cross-bite occurs when your top teeth aren’t aligned with your bottom teeth. The clinical definition mentions tooth arches and jaw positions. No matter the cause, a cross-bite is essentially a misalignment. Cross-bites can occur from trauma, but most often, they are genetic. A cross-bite can specifically occur in children when their adult teeth grow before all of their baby teeth have a chance to fall out. It’s safe to say that if your parents had alignment issues, you might have them as well.

Anterior vs. Posterior

There are two kinds of cross-bites. An anterior cross-bite occurs when the front teeth on your top row fall behind the front teeth on your bottom row. This type of cross-bite is similar to an underbite. The second type of cross-bite is a posterior cross-bite. Posterior cross-bites occur when your top row of teeth falls inside your bottom row of teeth when you bite down. Luckily, both anterior and posterior cross-bites can be treated.

Cross-bite Correction and Treatment Options

Most dental professionals would agree that the best time to correct a cross-bite is as a child or teenager. There are treatments available for adults as well, but the earlier the cross-bite is detected and treated, the better. Most cross-bites are remedied by adjusting the teeth or jaw using orthodontic treatments and appliances.

Some treatment options that are available to correct cross-bites include: 

– Maxillary Expander

– Removable expander

– Braces

– Surgery in extreme cases

Many orthodontic professionals utilize a combined therapy of expanders and braces. The expanders work to create the correct amount of space in between the teeth so that the bites are aligned properly throughout the entire mouth. In adults, sometimes a removable expander can be prescribed that is only worn at night. Each case is different and will require its treatment plan.

The best place to start is by talking to your dentist about cross-bite correction and treatment options available to you or your child. As we’ve mentioned, cross-bites that are left untreated can cause even larger health issues down the road.

How can fixing a cross-bite connection help you? 

Getting your cross-bite connection fixed can help you in many ways. You will feel that your smile is even, and the face structure will be symmetrical. Most importantly, it can help you with chewing your food, and you can enjoy it in a better way. 

Also, you won’t wear down enamel or chip a tooth since your chewing will become even. Moreover, fixing a cross-bite can also have a lasting effect and can help in the correction of your teeth. As a result, you can avoid complications in the future and save a lot of money going towards the dental bills in the future. 

  • Improper alignment of the teeth can cause various problems such as: 
  • Wearing down teeth unevenly
  • Loss of enamel 
  • Become looser over time

Therefore, you should choose the best treatment options for cross-bite connection to avoid these complications.

Bottom Line: The Best Cross-bite Correction Treatment

If you are worried about your cross-bite connection, there are various treatment options available for you to choose. With the right dentist by your side, you can go through this process without any hassle.

Chauvin, DDS & Associates in Lafayette La is concerned about your smile! A cross-bite can affect your self-esteem as well as your oral health. We care about it all. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you gain a perfect smile or restore your oral health, give us a call today at (337) 234-2186.

What is tooth contouring - dr chauvin lafayette la

What is tooth contouring?

Everybody wants a perfect smile! If you’re displeased with the shade of your teeth, you can have them whitened. If your teeth are crooked, you can get braces. But what do you do if your teeth are in an odd shape, or have small chips in them? The simple solution to it is tooth contouring!

What is tooth contouring?

Tooth contouring is an easy procedure that dentists use to adjust the shape of a person’s teeth. Your dentist will take some x-rays to see where the pulp is and then work with either a laser or a drill. Misshapen areas will be trimmed, teeth that are too long or badly shaped will be adjusted, and then everything is smoothed out and polished.

It can cost anywhere from $50-300 per tooth and may only require one 30-minute dentist appointment. And if the defects are due to an injury or accident, your insurance may cover some of the cost!

Another possible component of contouring is bonding. This is when the resin is applied to the tooth to fill in any chips or gaps, to add shape, or to improve the color. The tooth is etched so that the resin adheres properly. Your dentist may use a special conditioning liquid that helps the resin stick better, and then a light is shined on the resin to cure it. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

What are the benefits of tooth contouring?

Although it’s a cosmetic procedure, there are some dental health benefits from having your teeth contoured, chief among them being the cost. Contouring is much cheaper than braces! In some cases, contouring may eliminate the need for braces since it makes teeth look straighter and removes any overlaps.

Another perk of contouring is that it’s painless. Since all that is being removed is enamel, there’s typically no pain, which means no anesthesia is necessary! Tooth contouring also removes places where teeth overlap and other slight imperfections that ordinarily allow for plaque buildup, which lowers the risk for gum disease and tooth decay.

These benefits are just the tip of the iceberg since tooth contouring opens you up to many benefits such as:

  • Enhances your appearance by modifying your teeth’s size or shape.
  • Fixes the alignment or any cracks or chips in the teeth
  • Enables easy cleaning of spaces in the teeth
  • The entire process takes less than 60 minutes
  • Simple and painless process
  • A permanent procedure that does not need a further treatment
  • Improves the issues that are due to the grinding teeth
  • You don’t have to visit the doctor again and again since it is a one-time procedure

Are there any cons to contouring?

The biggest risk with contouring is weakened teeth. Since enamel is removed, reshaped teeth have higher chances of chip or staining. A vital recommendation is that you don’t chew on fingernails or pens, eat hard food, or open packages with your teeth to preserve your repairs.

Moreover, not everyone should go for this procedure since it only helps fix small imperfections with your teeth. Besides that, there is nothing more to worry about, but you can consult doctors regarding it for any questions.  

Contact a Dentist today for Tooth Contouring

Tooth contouring is a great way to ensure teeth in odd shapes or include a small chip in them can get into the right shape. With the right dental services, you can know about the steps before and after tooth contouring.

Therefore, Tim Chauvin, DDS & Associates, offers you high-quality services to patients in the vicinity of Lafayette and the surrounding areas. Call us today at (337) 234-2186 or book an appointment to enjoy a beautiful smile after tooth contouring. 

Is Something Wrong if You don’t have 32 Teeth - dr chauvin lafayette la

Is something wrong if you don’t have 32 teeth

Naturally, an adult has 32 teeth, out of which many remove their wisdom teeth, bringing the total count down to 28. However, some people never develop their wisdom teeth. In other cases, people don’t have their other permanent teeth. 

Well, to be clear, this does not happen due to tooth loss from injury or decay- the teeth just never developed in the first place. 

Is something wrong if you don’t have 32 teeth? This answer depends on the reason for missing teeth. 

Why do Some Teeth not Develop?

The simplest answer is genetics. There is a term that’s used when a person is missing 6 or fewer permanent teeth, hypodontia. On the other hand, when a person is missing more than six permanent teeth, it’s called oligodontia. These are birth defects that are caused by abnormal changes in the genes. Both of these problems are common and can be developed in any child at a growing age. The most important thing to do for both of these conditions is to diagnose and start treatment early. Not only for cosmetic purposes, but they can lead to severe problems in the future. 

Treating Hypodontia and Oligodontia

When a person is missing teeth, several things can happen:

  • Their teeth can shift, causing misaligned bites and other tooth damage
  • Their body can reabsorb the jawbone
  • They may have trouble eating or speaking

These things can have a major effect on a person from a dental and emotional standpoint. That’s why it’s important to catch it early so your dentist can begin a treatment plan for oligodontia and hypodontia. While we can’t force the missing teeth to grow, they can be replaced. Dental implants, dentures, crowns, and bridges can all be used to fill in any missing teeth. If left untreated for too long, the current teeth might shift from their original position, causing misalignment. As a result, the doctor needs to move them back with braces or other means before installing replacement teeth in your mouth.

Missing Wisdom Teeth

Adults start developing wisdom teeth at different ages. You can expect the development of your third molars in your early adult years or late teens, around age 17 to 21. Some people also get their wisdom teeth earlier, while others develop them later in life. But a small percentage of the population never develop some (or all) of their wisdom teeth. This isn’t a bad thing at all! That’s fewer teeth for the oral surgeon to remove. Also, since you will be living with them for several years, you will not notice this change. Missing wisdom teeth are also unnoticeable and don’t impact your oral health. 

Like hypodontia, missing wisdom teeth are the result of a genetic anomaly. Research shows that thousands of years ago, a mutation suppressed the formation of wisdom teeth. Archaeologists have found fossils in China that can be traced back to 300,000 to 400,000 years ago that are missing third molars. Experts predict that this mutation has impacted our ability to develop wisdom teeth. 

Bottom Line

Whether you have missing wisdom teeth or others, it’s important that you get yourself checked. This will help you get an idea of whether they are impacting your oral health. Since it’s nothing that could have been prevented, as it happened on the genetic level, you can treat hypodontia and oligodontia. The important thing is to have the teeth replaced before any other issues develop. Call Dr. Chauvin’s office if you have more questions!

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Your Teeth - dr chauvin lafayette la

How to get rid of white spots on your teeth

White spots on your teeth can be worrisome if you do not know how they got there or how to treat them. On top of that, white spots on your teeth can be unsightly, which can take a toll on your confidence. These spots are typically a cosmetic issue but can turn into a health concern. If it goes untreated, the problem can lead to tooth deterioration.

Causes of White Spots on Teeth

If the spots have been present since you were a child, you may have experienced a disruption in enamel formation as your teeth grew. This is better known as enamel hypoplasia. White spots can also appear in childhood when kids ingest too much fluoride toothpaste, called fluorosis. Both of these causes of white spots on teeth are common in childhood and lead to lasting spots on teeth.

White spots that have formed more recently on adult teeth are often caused by plaque build-up. This can cause hard, scaly spots near the gum line and make the teeth look discolored. The most concerning reason for white spots on teeth can be the beginning stages of tooth decay or cavities, as these problems sometimes look like white spots in the early stages. As bacteria produce acid, it begins dissolving the mineralized surface of a tooth, appearing bright white. Lastly, braces can leave such spots but can be avoided with the proper care.

Treatment of White Spots on Your Teeth

There are various methods by which a dentist can get rid of calcium deposits from your teeth. Your dentist might whiten the teeth to remove calcium deposits by concealing the discoloration. If the whitening process does not work, there are a few more options. There is the air abrasion procedure, in which your dentist will use a device that blows crystal particles towards the calcium deposit. They can fix any remaining spots with filling material. This treatment of white spots is called microabrasion; this is a process where the dentist rubs a mixture of pumice and acid on the teeth to get rid of white teeth spots. However, if the white spots are very large, microabrasion might not be a viable option. In that case, a porcelain crown or a cap is necessary to cover up the spot or spots.

Prevention of White Spots on Your Teeth

If you don’t currently have white spots, you should opt for prevention techniques for white spots. You can start by practicing good oral hygiene. You must brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist after every six months for a regular dental check-up

Do your best to avoid acidic and sugary drinks and foods that can damage your tooth enamel. If you wear braces, you must take additional steps to take excellent care of your teeth so that when the braces are removed to expose your straightened teeth, you don’t have to worry about unpleasant spots.

Bottom Line

At Tim Chauvin, DDS & Associates, we know it can sometimes it can be difficult to determine what white spots mean. In these cases, it’s better to visit experienced and qualified doctors who will guide you. 

Too often, it is an early sign of tooth decay that can be handled, but you must visit a dentist. We will be able to assess the damage and recommend treatments that are suitable for your situation. Contact Dr. Chauvin today to make an appointment.